Each campaign has 3 display modes. Use as many or as little as you'd like concurrently.⭐️ ENTER NOW!
We'll notify you by email if you win!
The Biggest Giveaway Of 2024
Chance to win an iPhone Pro Max,
$49 DealMirror credit for 1-Year, 6-Month,
3-Month, 1-Month
🎁 Assured Gift for All Participants
Enter Now in The Biggest Giveaway of LTD community
🏆 The Top Scorer Will Win iPhone-15 Pro Max 📲
People who earn 1000 points will have a chance to win one of the six prizes below:
(Complete all the easy actions above and invite your friends to earn +1,000 points. Keep inviting friends to increase your chances of winning 😊)
- 🏆 1- Year DealMirror Credits (Value: $588) One winner will get one lifetime deal per month for a SaaS of their choice (valued at $49 per month) for 12 months.
- 🏆 6-Month DealMirror Credits (Value: $294) One winner will get one lifetime deal per month for a SaaS of their choice (valued at $49 per month) for 6 months.
- 🏆 3-Month DealMirror Credits (Value: $147) One winner from the top 250 participants will get one lifetime deal per month for a SaaS of their choice (valued at $49 per month) for 3 months.
- 🏆 1-Month DealMirror Credits (Value: $49) One winner from the top 250 participants will receive a lifetime deal of their choice for 1 month.
- 🏅 5 Winners of DealMirror Credits: 5 winners will be selected from participants who have earned 750+ points and will receive DealMirror credits worth $29 for a SaaS lifetime deal of their choice.
- 🏅 5 Winners of DealMirror Prime Membership for 1 Year.
🎁 All Participants Will Get Lifetime Access to a SAAS
Important note
- Participants engaging in fraudulent behavior will be immediately disqualified. Be cautious about where you buy traffic, as they often use dubious tactics that will get you disqualified.
- The best way is to share it with friends who are interested in SaaS and digital marketing entrepreneurship.
- The result will be announced on Aug 30th 2024, at 11pm SGT.
- Boost your chances of winning by earning more points by completing the custom actions listed above!
Please check these points:
- 1 Winner will get iPhone 15 Pro Max
- 1 Winner will get DealMirror credit ($49 per month) for 1 year.
- 1 Winner will get DealMirror credit ($49 per month) for 6-Month.
- 1 Winner will get DealMirror credit ($49 per month) for 3-Month.
- 1 Winner will get DealMirror credit ($49 per month) for 1-Month.
- 5 Winners will get DealMirror Credits for 1 Month ($29)
- 5 Winners of DealMirror Prime Membership for 1 Year.
- 1 winner will win 3 LTDs (Random LTDs from DealMirror)
- 1 winner will win 2 LTDs (Random LTDs from DealMirror)
- 1 winner will win 1 LTD (Random LTDs from DealMirror)
The more points you have, the HIGHER your chances of winning a prize. For example, if person A has 100 points and person B has 10 points, then person A has 10 times more chances of winning a prize.
The BEST way to earn points is to complete the custom actions listed above and refer friends to the giveaway. For every friend you successfully refer (and is non-fraudulent), you earn 300 extra points.
All participants will win an assured SAAS from Dealmirror So don't miss the chance
Enter → Share → Complete Tasks → Collect Points → WIN Prizes!!
We'll notify you by email if you win!
Win huge prizes.
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